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Car insurance for a military man

The particular status of military personnel can have consequences on how to insure your vehicle. In France or abroad, on mission or at base, on the road or off the road? To choose the best military car insurance offer, find out how to adapt the contract to your profile.

military car insurance

Military car insurance, a tailor-made contract

Like all motorists, military personnel who own a vehicle must take out adequate insurance : car insurance, motorcycle insurance… However, their pace of life or the risks to which they are exposed may differ from those of other drivers.

Some soldiers lead a lifestyle similar to that of civilians, others are frequently and sometimes unexpectedly absent on various missions. These can be Internal Missions (MISSINT), External Operational Missions (OPEX) or Short Term Missions (MCD). Risks vary based on location and vehicle use.

Good military car insurance it must therefore offer maximum flexibility, to adapt to different profiles, needs, uses or types of vehicles.


Insure a car based on usage

Depending on the type of mission, you can leave in your own vehicle or leave it at your place of residence.

  • In the first case, the risks to which your vehicle is exposed vary according to place and use, professional or otherwise. You will need appropriate and often extended guarantees.
  • In the second case, your vehicle can be sitting for weeks or even months. You will need to find auto insurance that provides for deregulation.

Insure your car based on the location of the mission

The location of the mission can increase or decrease the risk of claims to be insured. Again, you’ll need to find an insurer who can handle this.

  • The traffic zone can be more or less prone to accidents.
  • The parking place influences the exposure of the vehicle to attempted theft. If it is parked on a military base, the insurance rate can, for example, be revised downwards.
  • In a region subject to unrest, such as wars or riots, the guarantees must be maximum.
  • Some geographic areas also increase the risk of natural disasters.

Which car insurance formula for a military man?

All the Car Insurance offer the same three levels of guarantees. These different formulas can be complemented by optional guarantees to adapt to the specific needs of the military.

  • Third party car insurance offers the least protection. It’s also less expensive. It includes a liability guarantee, which covers damage caused to others if you are responsible for the accident. The damage suffered, on the other hand, is not compensated.
  • This type of third-party package is beneficial if you’re looking for cheap auto insurance for a low-speed or low-value vehicle. For example, for a car used occasionally between two missions.
  • All risk car insurance offers the best protection. It covers bodily or material damage, even in the event of a culpable accident, to the main driver as well as to third parties. It includes liability insurance, but also a guarantee for all accident damage and a guarantee for glass breakage. A breakdown assistance guarantee is generally provided, with breakdown assistance and towing. You can also benefit from repatriation to the place of repairs. In the event of a breakdown, a loan guarantee is provided for a replacement vehicle.
  • An all risk formula is interesting if you drive daily or want to be insured against all risks. If you use your personal vehicle rather than a company vehicle in the professional context, this is essential.
  • Between these two insurance offers, the intermediate formula allows you to benefit from enhanced civil liability insurance. It protects you in the event of an accident involving material or physical damage to third parties. It also includes cover for glass breakage, theft and fire, as well as legal protection. It’s up to you to supplement it with a driver’s protection cover to improve your cover, for example, in the event of a fault-tolerant accident.
  • These insurance formulas allow you to find a balance between price and coverage by adapting the additional guarantees to your needs. Choose it if you want to pay less for your insurance premium, but with better protection. Make sure, however, that the guarantees, deductibles and exclusions are adapted to the specifics of your business.

Specialized military car insurance

Some insurers to propose offers specially designed for the military, such as Unéo, an ally of the GMF. There are also companies that specialize in military auto insurance policies. This is the case of the SARPGN, intended for the gendarmes, and of Tégo. It is the result of the merger between the AGPM (General Association of Military Insurance) and the GMPA (Group of Military Insurance). Choosing a specialist insurance company may result in a higher premium. In return, the guarantees offered are more suitable and the reductions can lower the amount of the premium.

The best offers include:

  • The “out of circulation” formula. to save money if the vehicle is not used during a mission.
  • Discounts for parking in military areasuse of public transport, purchase of an electric or hybrid vehicle… Discounts also in combination with home insurance.
  • The possibility of a insurance per kilometre with kilometer packages for small motorcyclists.
  • A free warranty extension in case of use of the personal vehicle in the context of the professional activity.
  • The personal guarantee of the driverr, even in a third-party insurance.
  • A road assistance extension.

Good to know: young military pilots
A young driver seeking to insure his car is automatically subject to an additional premium. This compensates for the increased risk caused by his lack of experience. Car insurance for young military drivers taken out with a specialist insurer can avoid the additional premium.

military auto insurance prices

It is impossible to establish an average price of military car insurance, as it varies according to the guarantees chosen. However, the prices are based on the same basics as all car insurance:

  • The profile of the main driver, his background and his bonus-malus coefficient.
  • The level of protection: All-risk insurance is always more expensive than liability insurance. Any optional coverage added also increases the premium amount.
  • The use of the vehicle: its traffic area, its parking space, frequency of trips, etc.
  • The type of vehicle: the higher its purchase or use value, the higher the contribution.

Good to know: Compare insurance!
To find a solution that fits your needs, consider use a car insurance comparator. In just a few clicks, you’ll get several free quotes that exactly match the specifics of your business. You can compare offers, prices and guarantees to find the best value for money. Have you already taken out insurance? After a year of membership, you can cancel at any time. Do not hesitate to launch a comparison to verify the relevance of the current contract.

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