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more than a quarter of the French ready to do without insurance

According to the results of a study released by RTL, the motorists most likely to give up are young people under 35.

Through The

According to the results of a study, 27% of French people say they are ready to do without car insurance (illustrative image).
According to the results of a study, 27% of French people say they are ready to do without car insurance (illustrative image).
© Vincent Isore / MAXPPP / IP3 PRESS/MAXPPP

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fDue to rising fuel prices and the ongoing inflation crunch, all savings are good to take, but sometimes they can be risky. As indicated by a survey conducted by the online insurer Leocare that RTL was able to consult, more than one in four French people (27%) with a car say they are ready to stop paying for car insurance.

A figure that increases considerably among young motorists, under 35, of whom 40% are thinking of giving up car insurance. Furthermore, this study points out that only one in five motorists over the age of 50 says they are ready not to subscribe. As our colleagues recall, traveling on the road without being insured is a crime punishable by a maximum fine of 3,750 euros.

Currently, more than 800,000 French people drive without insurance. A trend that can be explained above all by the continuous price increases inflicted by the sector on consumers. According to Christophe Dandois, who heads insurer Leocare, this price explosion is also set to last. “For next year, given the evolution of the price of raw materials, of repair costs, the expected increase is between 4 and 6%”, he predicts. A situation that could lead other motorists to do without insurance.

READ ALSOYour money – Insurance: up about 5% in 2023

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