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The neighbor's car - Thibault and his Twingo RS: to have fun without spending too much

He worked alternately as a car salesman, then as a mechanic, before becoming a repairman in this small garage in Langeais in the Indre-et-Loire. The automobile is his profession, but it is also Thibault’s passion, with a curious fascination for Renault Sport. The sports department of the diamond, now extinct, knows it well, given that he owns two Clio RS. But to get to work every day, where his recovery truck is waiting for him, he uses a third RS, “the smallest of Renault” : a Twingo 2 purchased in 2015, “for less than 8,000 euros”.

The neighbor's car - Thibault and his Twingo RS: to have fun without spending too much

The neighbor’s car – Thibault and his Twingo RS: to have fun without spending too much

This Twingo is also the only RS of the three generations of the small city car. With its 1.6-litre 16-valve engine, it develops 133 HP. “Enough to have fun, given the weight of the car, and not to consume too much”. Also, as it is “daily” of Thibault, he chose it rather well equipped, “with options the previous owner chose to install when he bought it new.” This is how the little Renault has automatic climate control, but also the regulator, the switching on of the lights and the automatic wipers. “And I have 4 leather seats that are aging quite well.” Even the dashboard plastics have aged well, despite their ten years, “contrary to the reputation of the brand”.

The neighbor's car - Thibault and his Twingo RS: to have fun without spending too much

Once acquired, the young repairman didn’t have to modify his car much. He contented himself with repainting the brake calipers red, even though the braking system is similar “it’s enough” to that of the Tingo 2 base.”I also modified the exhaust line. A line in stainless steel that he bought for less than 1,500 euros. But how much can the maintenance of small sprayers cost? At this question, Thibault shows a smile. His job in a garage gives him access to the necessary equipment and only pays for the parts. Workforce? These are the same hands as him.“As for the pieces in question, they are often those of a basic Twingo, therefore not expensive”.

The maintenance cost of an RS? Almost that of a basic Twingo

It is therefore a fun and rather cheap car to buy and to use. Exactly what Thibault tried to circulate every day. The thorny problem of insurance remains. Thibault is young, “I don’t have all the bonuses yet” and his car is a sports car, two things insurance companies don’t like. It’s still. “I pay between 40 and 50 euros a month. Nothing excessive. It really is a Twingo, even if it is more dynamic than the others.

Our thanks to the managers of the Guédé workshop for the welcome

The neighbor's car - Thibault and his Twingo RS: to have fun without spending too much

#neighbors #car #Thibault #Twingo #fun #spending


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